
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Chinese Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Chinese Philosophy Essay Human being is by nature a dynamic being, whose tendency to evolve is manifest in history, archeology and other disciplines that have put human development and progress in focus in the course of evolution and so does the society / community in which he resides. Heraclitus, an ancient Greek philosopher, once stated; â€Å"As they step into the same rivers, different and still different waters flow upon them† (qtd. in Snooks 1). In line with this saying, we may say that change is something that is part of nature. Many of the activities of communities can address, embrace or resist change. In order to manage the various incidents and conditions that are experienced by man and his society, various instruments and frameworks are devised. In the case of the Chinese society, a number of philosophical standpoints were developed in a bid to confront the challenges facing China. This paper endeavors to examine Confucianism, Daoism, Mohism and Legalism as the instruments put in place by the Chinese in response to the wars that China was experiencing, especially in regard to leadership in a society. Confucianism Confucianism puts quality on the ability of the human being to achieve, through self introspective processes, a state of inner harmony and moral uprightness, which can elevate the individual from the stables of a common person to a noble person. Confucias (541 – 479 BCE) was China’s first moral philosopher who linked moral behavior to traditional roles and hierarchies. He linked the Zhou order that was deteriorating and believed that all should understand and accept their role in the society. This system of thought is good in so far as it has faith in the human being as being capable of managing his own destiny, and being able to change for the better. Confucianism gives an individual member of the society a chance to take responsibility for creating and maintaining harmony in the society, by having it entrenched in the individual countenance that recognizes nobility as a state that can be achieved by an individual, without anybody being able to gain it through ascription or inheritance and this is not closely attached to the exercise of political power per se (Barry et al. 24) In China where many communities were vying for political dominance, Confucianism offered a window for the restoration of order through self cultivation, oriented toward achieving a noble state, in spite of the person’s social extraction. This, as a philosophy that sought to bring harmony in the warring Chinese society, worked toward the establishment of personal moral uprightness, which in turn would affect the way people related to one another, especially in their relation to leadership. If the society regarded nobility highly, then the noble people, having cultivated themselves effectively; would have their influence in the society to steer clear of war, or to effectively lead the people in better battle campaigns against their adversaries. If on the other hand, the Chinese society was to transform itself into a nation of noble people according to Confucian principles, then everybody would maintain the peace, because people would look at each other with more humility and kindness. The Confucian noble is thus, one who is able to provide leadership without really reigning or ruling. Confucianism can also be seen as a direct response to insensitive leadership during the war period, and thus, a system to try and impress the virtue of good leadership amongst the rulers of the time (86). This was done in such a way that it did not threaten as much, the social structures prevalent then, hence the Confucian recognition of the social hierarchies, and insistence on the citizenry to uphold respect for the superiors. Of course, war is a period when it matters to positively receive instruction and commands from the superiors. Daoism While Confucianism promotes the practice of self improvement in line with the argument based on natural evolution of the human species, Daoism on the other hand places all human effort in the search for knowledge and purposeful transformation in the realm of vanity. Daoists wanted the governments not to override their lives and were interested in the spiritual aspect of human existence. The temptation to dismiss this school of thought prima facie is quite high. This is due to the natural orientation of man to take responsibility of his destiny and the natural tendency to seek a better life, to marvel at nature and to try to influence it so as to satisfy personal needs. In that respect, one would expect that a working formula has to emphasize man’s rationality and his wants and needs, as the central pillars of his push toward creating his own history and having dominion over his environment. On the other hand, Daoism offers a situation where, as a country at war, the Chinese had an opportunity to re-examine their value systems and act accordingly. The Daoist concept of being in harmony with nature and not struggling to bring about change could be looked at as a peace strategy. This is because wars are naturally fanned by human desire to achieve something that humans feel is of ultimate importance to them. Wars also spring out of humans’ questioning of things and hence inventions of valuable things (which they desire so much). Humans would also like to either wrest from people who wouldn’t like them to possess the valuable items, or fervently protect the items from the people who would covet them. The need for man to change, to improve on things and to have an influence over his environment is a tendency that puts man in contention with the Daoist principle. If people followed Daoism, then they wouldn’t engage in a lot of questioning, which would bring about the escalation or perpetuation of the war. Their social relationships would be smooth, for all of them would be in harmony with nature, which would naturally take its course and not support of war. Daoist leadership would therefore be a laid back kind of leadership, with nature ‘taking care of itself’. The kind of transformation to come out of the society would therefore be premised on the Daoist fact that nature is capable of transforming itself, and man doesn’t have to take steps to interfere with occurrence of events. This however, would be criticized on the premise that change is something to be managed by the human being, by use of his intellect. Daoism as a leadership style would be an aloof kind of leadership, and during the war period, something deliberate had to be done, the solutions to the problems then were not just left to ‘fall from heaven’. To best illustrate this, Barry calls Daoists â€Å"†¦those who wandered off†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (48) Legalism This school of thought argued that strong government depended upon effective institutional structures not just the moral quality of the leaders. This could be described as the application of law for the benefit of the majority. Legalism thus becomes a system of reinforcement, with an emphasis on both positive and negative reinforcement meted out to the members of the society in order to discourage certain socially undesirable behavior according to the majority of people paying allegiance to the society in question (Ebrey Buckley 23). According to legalism school of thought, society is shaped through its reward system, with socially unacceptable behavior being punished for, with blessings from the social framework that awards certain individuals the power to dish out these rewards, without necessarily being seen to deny one or infringe upon their rights. This may help galvanize a society or community, which will in turn have a more prominent sense of identity and solidarity. Such a stand in a war situation is good for the purpose of gaining victory over the enemy. Legalism is quite an ideal system for bringing the society together in the face of a common enemy. This also gives the ruler the chance to act with speed, since legalism is a system that is responsive to the times; changing with circumstances and accordingly responding to the dictates of the time. War times need an atmosphere where there is quick action and response, and with the foundation that gives legality to what the rulers are deciding on behalf of their subjects. Legalism was therefore, an ideal philosophical grounding for individual Chinese communities during the time of war, for it is a system that can well serve the expedients of war. This comes in the light of the fact that the Chinese had developed government structures bequeath to them by the Chin dynasty, and which lasted for more than two centuries (Barry et al. 145). The structures brought about by the Chin dynasty were important in the realization of the dictates of the legalistic system, which was organized around reward and punishment, and had to have a basis in the common will of the people. Thus, there had to be a person vested with the power to mete out punishment to errant members of the society, while at the same time hand down rewards to those who performed and behaved in accordance with the needs and aspirations of the society. This person also derived mandate from the same common will that requires the people to obey and take reward, both positive and negative, with understanding; since it is for the common good that this is done. It can be argued that legalism is something close to Confucianism, because it comes out of man’s free will. It is a product of social engineering, with a view to bringing about an ideal society; something totally distanced from Daoism, which emphasizes the need to let life just flow, without taking any action to influence one’s environment. Mohism This is a system of universal brotherhood, where everyone on the face of the earth is related to each other, with an obligation to look after one’s kin (Ebrey Buckley 35). Taken from this very standpoint, this is a perfect doctrine for humanity at any one time, and in this case, for China during the warring times. This is because, as we have noted above, human conflict springs out of differences. These differences, when not solved amicably, lead to war. The inclination to keep some things away from others and to take what is owned by others is a perfect recipe for war. If, in the light of Mohism, all of humanity was to lay a claim on brotherhood, and maintain that doctrine of being each other’s keeper, then the incidence of war would be remote. This is because brotherhood entails harmony and amity. It also presupposes the ability to communicate with each other without necessarily taking to arms. Mohists might not have been comprehensive in their brotherhood matrix. Even though all men are supposed to be brothers, the Mohists’ view of the world is quite hierarchical, with the junior members of the society bearing a social responsibility to be subservient to those who are perceived to be on an elevated social platform. This is a system that would have borne fruit if only the small people accepted it. If however, the common people are not agreeable to this arrangement, then Mohism would be just but another plank of wood in the fire, for they would revolt as a response to this flawed brotherhood arrangement. From a different perspective, Mohism could be taken to be the answer to the perceived social injustices prevalent in China then. Much as one could be the other’s brother, this system sought to cultivate an environment where an individual, after striving for, and accumulating enough superior residues; would acquire a higher status and would lead people. War needs strong willed people, since it carries a lot in terms of collateral damage, both in terms of human life and material possessions. War time also needs utmost sacrifice, so that as brothers, some members of the society do not just sit back and wait for the other people to work out way-through for them. If one is in a lower position, then he has to be obedient and provide for that one who is up. In this way, Mohism comes out as a system that influenced the social set up such that it recognized the need to love each other, and to be ready to stand by each other; while at the same time, not losing the individual. If they were to be juxtaposed, Mohism and Confucianism would relate up to a certain extent. One would easily say that in terms of hierarchy, both Confucianism and Mohism teach about the society in light of inequalities and the need for these to be maintained through proper social decorum. Confucius goes deeper to analyze, at a finer level, the social relations and how they should be handled for the sake of peace and tranquility. Mohists may differ on some of these because of the pedant stand they regard the social hierarchies and how they observe and maintain them. However, it provides a framework for the legitimization of rulership, for a ruler is someone who occupies a place in a hierarchical set up. Legitimacy of a ruler springs out of the acceptance the ruler enjoys from the society. War times need strong leaders who derive legitimacy from their people. In times of war too, a ruler could impose himself on the people, but for as long as he serves to protect them or unite them against the enemy, then his legitimacy may not be much of a problem, since it is in the people’s name that the ruler reigns. This solidarity is best achieved by communities that recognize hierarchy as a natural phenomenon in life, and which Mohists and Confucians upheld in their thought. Conclusion In conclusion, based on personal point of view, the various ideological developments in China which brought about the four schools of thought which have been examined in this paper are a response to certain conditions in the society at the time of their emergence, and that these are mechanism that were crafted so as to manage change. The difference only lies in the points that were stressed. Mohism, for instance, is a system that was conservative to a certain extent, reacting to the possibility of occurrence of a development that could challenge the existing hierarchical status quo. At the same time, it endeavored to foster change in the way people regarded one another, with the small people (the serfs and commoners) fully recognizing and venerating their lords. Confucianism on the other hand, much as it strove for change on the individual level which would later on seep into the entire social fabric of the Chinese, was also a fairly conservative system. Just like Mohism, it posed no threat to the existing powers. It was a system that would be used to bring the people together in times of war, for this was not a time for people to start questioning their authorities. By defending the hierarchical system existent then, the Confucians thought of an alternative leadership style where noble people would get to influence the rulers through their self cultivation. This system almost totally absolved the ruler from responsibility, since the leader had the social privilege of lording it over his subjects without being obliged to observe certain tenets of leadership. It was however incumbent upon the subject to go through the process of self improvement. What would happen if all the subjects had transformed themselves yet the leadership was not together with them? What avenues would they have to really exercise power? Daoism was one way of running away from the human responsibility to respond to change. By letting all systems go, the society would be at a greater risk of falling prey to the dictates of a bad ruler, a coward or one who would sell them to the enemy during this war period, since the Daoist doctrine was all about living and letting live. After considering everything, legalism seems to be the system that would have best defended the particular communities, and even a collection of the communities, for it is a system of action and reciprocation. The common person reacts, and then the system responds by awarding a deserving reward; whether positive or negative.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Ethical Dilemma Essays -- Health Care, Nurses

The two principles that are in focus are beneficence and nonmaleficence. Both beneficence and nonmaleficence have played a fundamental historical role in medical ethics (Beauchamp & Childress, 2009). Nonmaleficence is often paired with beneficence, but there is a difference between these two principles (Rich, 2008). According to Beauchamp and Childress (2009) conflating beneficence and nonmaleficence into a single principle obscures important distinctions. In addition, both of these ethical principles beneficence and nonmaleficence are strengthened by state nursing practice acts, which mandate that nurses are legally obligated to safeguard patients and the profession (Bjarnason & LaSala, 2011). Furthermore, it is with great purpose that we discuss the two principles beneficence and nonmalficence and their importance to the nursing profession. The principle of beneficence is concerned with a moral obligation to act for the benefits of others (Kennedy, 2004). Additionally, beneficence is the principle consisting of deeds such as mercy, kindness, and charity (Rich, 2008). There are other forms of beneficence including altruism, love, and humanity (Beauchamp & Childress, 2009). We use beneficence in order to cover beneficent actions more broadly, so that it includes all forms of action to benefit other persons (Beauchamp & Childress, 2009). Overall, beneficence implies that an individual takes action to do good by benefiting others and facilitating their well-being. Beneficence also requires that benefits are balanced against risks and costs (Kennedy, 2004). In order for a person to â€Å"do good†, they must also consider the values of individual in question (Bjarnason & LaSala, 2011). Health care professionals have a duty t... ...ey encounter an ethical dilemma (Rich, 2008). Nurses can also periodically be called to an ethics committee to consult to gain access to needed help to resolve ethical dilemmas. Serving on an ethics committee with other disciplines and discussing the ethical dilemmas brought before the committee can be an informing and challenging process for a nurse (Lachman, 2010). Furthermore, the opportunity to help patients, staff, and families resolve these dilemmas is professionally rewarding for a nurse (Lachman, 2010). Overall, ethical dilemmas are faced every day in the clinical practice of nurses. When facing an ethical dilemma, remembering to preserve the patient's autonomy, dignity and rights is an important part of ethically solving the dilemma. However, if the ethical dilemma cannot be resolved nurses have the right to seek advice from other professionals. â€Æ'

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Renal Cyst Ultrasonic Differential Diagnosis Health And Social Care Essay

With the aid of ultrasonography simple cysts, complex cysts and solid multitudes can be identified. Simple cysts may non necessitate surgical intercession but complex cysts and solid nephritic multitudes should be farther evaluated and decently managed. Nephritic cysts are common nephritic mass. Their frequence addition with age and they are present in half the population above the age of 50. The etiology of nephritic cysts is non known, but it is possible that they form from the epithelial giantism of tubules or roll uping canals, with ensuing distention of the uriniferous tubule. This would explicate why cysts enlarge over clip, and the engagement of next uriniferous tubules might explicate why thin septations develop2. Elkin and Bernstein classified nephritic cysts ; ( 1 ) renal cysts due to dysplasia of the kidney ; ( 2 ) polycystic disease ; ( 3 ) cortical cysts ; ( 4 ) medullary cysts ; ( 5 ) assorted intrarenal cysts ; ( 6 ) extraparenchymal nephritic cysts. Ultrasound standards for the diagnosing of a simple nephritic cyst includes ( 1 ) Spherical or egg-shaped form ; ( 2 ) absence of internal reverberations ; ( 3 ) presence of a thin, smooth wall that is separate from the environing parenchyma ; and ( 4 ) sweetening of the buttocks wall, bespeaking ultrasound transmittal through the water-filled cyst3. The object of survey was to observe the supersonic differential diagnosing of nephritic cysts, because echography is a uniquely safe and non-invasive agencies of imaging internal anatomy. Nephritic cysts are common incidental findings on echography but may besides organize portion of specific disease procedure. Differentiation of the forms of the cystic disease is necessary for diagnosis4.Patients AND METHODS:The survey was conducted between January 2007 to April 2008 at the section of Radiology and Urology, Chandka Medical College Hospital, Larkana. 100 ( Symptomatic or Asymptomatic ) patients of either sex with nephritic cysts who were detected on echography were included in the survey. Along with history, physical scrutiny nephritic echography was performed to see the site, size and figure of cysts. A nephritic ultrasound is a radiological survey of the kidneys that can look at the kidneys in cross subdivision. Position of the patient for right kidney scanning supine, left posterior oblique, left sidelong decubitus, and prone as needed. For left kidney scanning right sidelong decubitus, prone as needed. Different patient places were used whenever the suggested place does non give the coveted consequences. Just Vision 400 ultrasound machine by Toshiba with 3.5 MHz convex ( multi frequence ) investigation was used for kidneys scrutiny. No readying was required for ultrasound scrutiny.Consequence:From January 2007 to April 2008, hundred patients were included in the survey. 72 were males and 28 were females. Male to female ratio was 2.5:1. Age ranges were between 1-100 old ages ( Table-1 ) . Of the one hundred patients 40 presented with symptoms but 60s were symptomless. Among 40 diagnostic patients the most clinical presentation associated with nephritic cyst in this survey was di abetes mellitus 10 ( 25 % ) and abdominal hurting 7 ( 17.5 % ) ( Table-2 ) . Among 100 patients differential diagnosing of nephritic cyst in 89 ( 89 % ) patient simple nephritic cysts were detected, hydronephrosis in 7 ( 7 % ) , medical nephritic disease in 2 ( 2 % ) , polycystic disease in 1 ( 1 % ) , haematoma in 1 ( 1 % ) were observed ( Table-3 ) . Of the 89 patients of simple nephritic cysts 57 ( 64 % ) were cortical cysts, 4 ( 4.5 % ) medullary cysts, 22 ( 25 % ) parenchymal cysts, 4 ( 4.5 % ) Para pelvic cysts, 2 ( 2.2 % ) extra parenchymal cysts. Different sizes of simple nephritic cysts were measured ranged from 1mm to 100 millimeters, 3 ( 03.40 % ) steps ( 01-10 ) millimeter, 25 ( 28.40 % ) steps ( 10-20 ) millimeter, 11 ( 12.50 % ) steps ( 20-30 ) millimeter, 27 ( 30.33 % ) steps ( 30-40 ) millimeter, 9 ( 10.22 % ) steps ( 40-50 ) millimeter, 5 ( 05.28 % ) steps ( 50-60 ) millimeter, 3 ( 03.40 % ) steps ( 90-100 ) millimeter and 6 ( 06.81 % ) measures variable sizes. ( Fig: ) . Cystic standards were besides assessed through 89 patients. Along this series the most frequent type of loculation in assorted nephritic cyst was uniloculated 87 ( 98 % ) and 2 ( 2 % ) were biloculated. 91 ( 91 % ) instances presented as one-sided simple nephritic cyst, 9 ( 9 % ) instances as bilateral simple nephritic cyst and multiple cysts nine in figure. Internal echogenisity of simple nephritic cyst in this survey revealed there were 100 ( 100 % ) takes all features of simple nephritic cyst anechoic or echo-free with absence of internal reverberations. In 89 patients of simple nephritic cysts concomitant sonographic abnormalcies were detected. Fatty liver were the most common accompaniment with simple nephritic cyst during this survey ( 4 Patients ) . There was one instance showed benign prostate. Others each instance for nephritic rock, pleural gush, enlarged prostate secretory organ, nephritic expansion, cut down kidney size, ectopic kidney, nephritic organ transpla nt and angiomyolipoma ( Table-4 ) .Discussion:This survey was carried out on 100 patients in whom nephritic cysts were identified sonographically, 72 % were male patients and 28 % were females. So males were more affected in our survey than females. Previous survey by Hanna et Al confirmed that, the distribution is equal between males and females5. In our series 89 % of instances were diagnosed as simple nephritic cyst which represent the most common differential diagnosing of nephritic cysts followed by, 7 % hydronephrosis, 2 % medical nephritic disease, 1 % polycystic kidney disease, 1 % haematoma. There was no instance presented with nephritic dysplasia. .Study by Yamagishi et Al confirmed that, thorough reappraisal of household history can besides add valuable information. Differential diagnosing should include multicystic and polycystic kidney disease and structural anomalousnesss such as duplicate and calyceal diverticula, tumour, abscess and haematoma may be considered, but t hey most probably will hold internal reverberations. Although nephritic cysts can be seen in chromosomal abnormalcies, there are normally other anomalousnesss present6. When cystic lesion is seen in the upper pole, an adrenal beginning must besides be considered. Finally, a cystic teratoma of the retro peritoneum can be considered. The youngest patient was 3 old ages old male child with mean size of left kidney showed mild back force per unit area alteration with good parenchymal thickness, dilated nephritic pelvic girdle and ureter down to bladder. Umbilical hernia noted with defect at anterior abdominal wall steps ( 7mm ) with enteric cringles seen go throughing through. The eldest patient was 95 old ages old male with bilateral simple parenchymal cyst. The highest incidence of simple nephritic cyst in 6th and 7th decennaries of life. While the lowest incidence in 1st and 2nd decennaries. Previous surveies confirmed that, the pathogenesis of nephritic cyst is non wholly known. Because of increasing frequence of nephritic cysts with age ( they are found in over 50 % of people over 50 old ages of age ) . It has been suggested that cyst formation is acquired- a consequence of the aging process5,7. Another theory suggests that cysts are developmental in beginning. During nephritic organogenesis, the 2nd to 4th coevals of uriniferous tubules, ensuing in cyst formation 8. Among 40 diagnostic patients the most clinical presentation associated with nephritic cyst in this survey was diabetes mellitus 10 ( 25 % ) and abdominal hurting 7 ( 17.5 % ) they were more often associated with simple cyst, there were 60 patients symptomless normally associated with nephritic cysts. Previous surveies confirmed that, highlight a figure of facets refering to simple nephritic cysts. First, most instances are symptomless and are best treated cautiously by regular ultrasound follow up. Last, as the natural history of simple cyst is non known, long- term sonographic followup is recommended ; simple cysts can be the initial manifestation of autosomal dominant polycystic disease in a child9,10. Sonographic rating of nephritic cyst revealed that simple visual aspects were most normally seen in nephritic cysts and limited polycystic disease and haematoma. Along this series among 89 patients of simple nephritic cysts the most frequent type of loculation in assorted nephritic cyst was uniloculated 87 ( 98 % ) and 2 ( 2 % ) were biloculated. The major sonographic findings of wall thickness and regularity were thin and regular walls, that more presented in nephritic cysts. There were ( 57 of 89 ) were cortical cyst, ( 22 of 89 ) were parenchymal cyst, ( 4 of 89 ) were medullary cyst, ( 4 of 89 ) were parapelvic cyst and ( 2 of 89 ) were extraparenchymal cyst. Previous survey confirmed that, the upper pole is the most common site5. Normally the cysts are lone but may be multiple. As was seen in this survey, 91 ( 91 % ) instances presented as one-sided simple nephritic cyst, 9 ( 9 % ) instances as bilateral simple nephritic cyst and multiple cyst nine in figure. Previous survey confirmed that, the distribution is equal between right and left kidneys5. Internal echogenisity of simple nephritic cyst in this survey revealed there were ( 100 % ) takes all features of simple nephritic cyst anechoic or echo-free with absence of internal reverberations. Previous survey confirmed that, many incidental nephritic multitudes are discovered on abdominal ultrasound examinations11. When the ultrasound standards for a simple cyst are met, the likeliness of malignance is highly little. Asymptomatic patients with incidental nephritic cysts that meet these standards require no extra rating. Fatty liver were the most common accompaniment with simple nephritic cyst during this survey ( 4 Patients ) . There was one instance showed benign prostate. Others each instance for nephritic rock, pleural gush, enlarged prostate secretory organ, nephritic expansion, cut down kidney size, ectopic kidney, nephritic organ transplant and angiomyolipoma. Fatty liver were the more frequent attendant disease in association with simple nephritic cyst were detected as an incidental sonographic happening during this survey. Previous survey confirmed that, simple nephritic cyst has controversy related to high blood pressure and nephritic disfunction. There was ( 6 of 40 ) ( 15 % ) high blood pressure patients during this survey. Different sizes of 89 simple nephritic cysts were measured, 3 ( 03.40 % ) steps ( 01-10 ) millimeter, 25 ( 28.40 % ) steps ( 10-20 ) millimeter, 11 ( 12.50 % ) steps ( 20-30 ) millimeter, 27 ( 30.33 % ) steps ( 30-40 ) millimeter, 9 ( 10.22 % ) steps ( 40-50 ) millimeter, 5 ( 05.28 % ) steps ( 50-60 ) millimeter, 3 ( 03.40 % ) steps ( 90-100 ) millimeter and 6 ( 06.81 % ) measures variable sizes. Pervious survey confirmed that size scope from really little to really big in diameter. By and large ultrasound detected all nephritic cysts, while CT scan used to corroborate the diagnosing and picked up of peripherally located and cystic multitudes. Two instances were aspirated under ultrasound counsel, were clear fluid.Decision:The most common differential diagnosing of nephritic cyst is simple cortical nephritic cyst with highest incidence in 6th and 7th decennaries of life. The least common is polycystic kidney disease or haematoma. Out of this survey we believe more that ultrasound is the individual cost effectual mean in sensing of nephritic cyst.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Taylor University Admissions SAT, Acceptance Rate...

Admissions at Taylor University are not highly competitive; with an acceptance rate of 85%, the large majority of applicants are admitted each year. Along with an application, prospective students will need to submit high school transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, a letter of recommendation, and a personal statement. Students are encouraged to visit the campus to see if it would be a good fit for them. Admissions Data (2016): Taylor University Acceptance Rate: 80%GPA, SAT and ACT Graph for Taylor AdmissionsTest Scores -- 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 470 / 630SAT Math: 480 / 620SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanTop Indiana college SAT comparisonACT Composite: 22  / 29ACT English: 22 / 30ACT Math: 22  / 28What these ACT numbers meanTop Indiana college ACT comparison Taylor University Description: Taylor University is a private interdenominational evangelical university located in Upland, Indiana, a small town located less than an hour from Indianapolis and Fort Wayne. For several years, Taylor has been ranked #1 among Midwest regional colleges by  U.S. News World Report, and the university has done well in other rankings as well. The universitys bell tower pictured above  signifies the schools integration of faith and learning. Academics at Taylor are supported by a healthy 12 to 1 student / faculty ratio. On the academic front, education and psychology are the most popular fields among undergraduates. Outside of the classroom, students can join a range of clubs and activities, ranging from arts groups to academic honor societies, to recreational sports.  In athletics, the Taylor University Trojans compete NAIA Mid-Central College Conference. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 2,170  (2,131  undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 43% Male / 57% Female86% Full-time Costs (2016  - 17): Tuition and Fees: $31,472Books: $1,000 (why so much?)Room and Board: $8,845Other Expenses: $2,200Total Cost: $43,517 Taylor University Financial Aid (2015  - 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 99%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 99%Loans: 52%Average Amount of AidGrants: $16,489Loans: $7,117 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Art, Bible Studies, Biology, Business Administration, Elementary Eduction, Media Communication, Psychology, Religious Education Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 85%4-Year Graduation Rate: 66%6-Year Graduation Rate: 76% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Football, Golf, Tennis, Cross Country, Track and Field, Basketball, Soccer, BaseballWomens Sports:  Basketball, Track and Field, Softball, Soccer, Golf, Cross Country, Volleyball Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Taylor University, You May Also Like These Schools: Ball State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphPurdue University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphIndiana University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphDePauw University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSpring Arbor University: Profile  Butler University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphHope College: Profile  Liberty University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphValparaiso University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphGrove City College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWheaton College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph